How to create a Clever, Inspiring Customer Mini Plate
At MiniPlate.com.au, we are all about the custom. We understand the everyone is different and finding the right name for a mini plate isn’t as easy as it sounds. You want it to be clever, funny, controversial (interesting) or maybe even a little rude. We wanted to share some of the secrets of creating the perfect mini plate, so if you are considering buying one for yourself or a friend, keep reading!
The “Name” Mini Plate
This is definitely the easiest option. Simply choose the name of the person that you are purchasing the mini plate for. Names can be entered as plain characters, a collection of plain characters and numbers or even a collection of plain characters, number and special characters. For example, the name “MAXIMUS” could be created a MAXIMUS, M4X1MUS, or even M@XIMU$. You can choose this combination for the recipient’s name, last-name, or even their nickname.
The “Fun” Mini Plate
Like the name suggests, fun mini plates are just fun. The best way to approach a fun mini plate is to think about a characteristic or experience that you have had with the recipient. Fun plates can describe personality traits, plays on their first or last name or even a situation that they have found themselves in. Some example of funny plates could include BIGBABY, P54CHO or OLDFART.
The “Special Interest” Mini Plate
Special interest mini plates are probably the easiest to create because these plates are all about picking the recipient favourite movie, book, character or interest and turning it into a custom mini plate. Example of special interest plates can include VADER, CHWBCA, VLDEMRT, E=MC2, RCKSTR, SUPRMN, PICACHU, EASYRYDR and many others.
The “Miscellaneous” Mini Plate
Obscure and interesting is the best way to describe these mini plates. Miscellaneous includes anything and everything that you can think of. Some great examples of extremely creative mini plates include OMGWTF, ZOOOOOM, WRKNMAN and U2SLOW. The sky is the limit with this range of creative mini plates.
Now that we have given you some ideas how to create your mini plate, it’s over to you to get it done. Our range of mini plates for ride on cars, bikes, scooters, pet houses, rooms, playsets and our unique street signs are the perfect fun gift for your special someone.
Australia’s #1 MiniPlate retailer. Welcome to MiniPlate.com.au. Create unique plates for someone special in your life. Create unique plates for life.